In Kotlje, you can visit Prežihovina – the house where Lovro Kuhar spent his childhood. A writer who through his works introduced the Koroška soul and life to the world.
The Prežihova Bajta House is a memorial museum of Slovenian writer Lovro Kuhar – Prežihov Voranc (1893–1950) located above Kotlje in Preški Vrh, from where you can enjoy a beautiful view of Mount Uršlja Gora and the Hotulja Valley.
The shack has a typical Koroška design of a small farmer’s house (bajtler). Its interior design and arrangement of the main room and “štiblc” (a small room) is typical of houses with a black kitchen. The Prežihova Bajta house with its exterior and interior arrangement tells us about a typical farmer-worker environment from which Voranc and many literary heroes of his emerged, and helps us understand his character and the world of his literature. Just further on from the Prežihova Bajta house, above the former buckwheat stubbly field, a mighty bronze statue of Prežihov Voranc stands, made by a formally trained sculptor Stojan Batič.