What is a Geopark?
- A Geopark is an area, with an important geological heritage and a coherent and strong management structure, in which a sustainable economic development strategy is sought. A Geopark is spatially clearly delimited and does not represent a protection category, but a seal of quality that does not impose restrictions, but rather an opportunity for a region to raise its profile.
- A Geopark must have a certain number of significant geotopes that are outstanding in terms of their scientific quality, rarity, aesthetics or educational value. However, the designation is not only a seal of quality for landscapes that are particularly significant in terms of geological and earth history, but is also considered a fusion of learning site, natural monument, cultural monument and experience.
- A Geopark has an active role in the economic development of the area through the expansion of general awareness related to geological heritage, the development of geotourism and the general economic development of the region.
- A Geopark has a direct impact on the area, its inhabitants, their living conditions and the environment. The goal is to enable the local population to learn about the value of this heritage and to actively participate in the revitalization of the region as a whole.
- Membership in the European Geoparks Network calls for network building and cohesion. Cooperation with local companies in the marketing and creation of new geology related products, as well as cooperation with all other members of the EGN network are therefore of utmost importance.
- A Geopark develops, experiments and expands or improves the methods of preserving the geological heritage.
Geopark Karawanken was recognized as a member of the European (EGN) and Global (GGN) Geoparks Network under the umbrella of UNESCO in March 2013 and became a UNESCO Global Geopark in November 2015.
European Geopark Network
Global Geopark Network