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Kick-off Meeting of the Interreg Central Europe project HUMANITA in Bükk National Park in Hungary

The HUMANITA project (Human-Nature Interactions and Impacts of Tourist Activities on Protected Areas) develops evidence-based and participatory management tools that allow regions to better monitor and evaluate the impact of tourism in protected areas. The partnership involves tourists and local communities in the development of their solutions, which helps to collect data, create more awareness and change behaviour.

Partners of the project met in Bükk National Park in Hungary on April 17th to 19th 2023 at the project’s kick-off meeting.
Representatives of each partner got to know each other and discussed about how the project activities should be organized and carried out.
During the meeting we discovered also the beauty of Bükk National Park by visiting two caves in Lillafüred and amazing Bükk Astronomical observatory!

The project started on 1st of April 2023 and will last until 31st of March 2026.

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