A cross-border workshop with eight participants representing stakeholders from both Austria and Slovenia took place on 19th of March 2024 in Municipality of Sittersdorf. The group comprised members from diverse sectors including environmental agencies, cable car company,
municipalities, tourist operators, tourism management organizations, and universities, each bringing invaluable expertise to the table, on how to collaborate to foster sustainable tourism and protect the natural environment.
The workshop aimed to provide a platform for these experts to engage in exchanges concerning the future touristic development of the Karawanken-Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark. At the outset, stakeholders were acquainted with the objectives, outcomes, and
forthcoming activities of the Interreg Central Europe HUMANITA Project. Notably, the workshop sought to introduce stakeholders to innovative methods of gathering data on visitor distribution along hiking and biking trails through outdoor applications.
Participants were also invited to discuss key questions, addressing areas of high natural value, touristic hotspots and low points, as well as potential conflicting zones where tourism pressures might exceed the carrying capacity of nature.