Yesterday, on 15th October 2024, we successfully held the introductory seminar with educational workshops as part of the Geopark annual theme "UNESCO Geopark – Green Classroom" at the Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej in the castle in Ravne na Koroškem.
The seminar participants gained insights into the geological, natural, and cultural heritage of the cross-border area of the Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark as well as the history of mining. After the presentations, we embarked on a guided tour of the Karavanke Geopark exhibition and the facilities of the Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej. To conclude, the participants took part in practical workshops, where they explored the world of minerals, created a Geopark stamp or a souvenir, and explored local cultural peculiarities as well as natural heritage. The seminar and workshops were conducted in collaboration with the Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej, Zavod RS za varstvo narave, Podzemlje Pece, and Inštitut SeMe.
Many thanks to all the participants and co-creators! It was fun, educational and no chore!
This year’s Geopark annual theme is being carried out as part of the INTERREG SI-AT project "GreenTour".