Water Resources

The water resources in the area of the Karavanke Geopark are very diverse due to their great hydrogeological diversity. The Karavanke Geopark has an exceptional wealth due to its large number of mineral water springs, which can be used for natural-historical and educational activities. Among the more than 3000 known springs in the area, there are numerous highly mineralized waters, carbonic acid springs and interesting low mineralized springs. Some acidulous ones of them have been known since ancient times. They gave rise to bathing and drinking cures already in the 19th century (Bad Vellach, Römerquelle). Some of these springs have been declared officially recognized healing springs. At present, however, only the Carinthia Lithion spring in Bad Eisenkappel is officially used for spa purposes. There are three other mineral springs in Slovenia: Roman Spring in Kotlje, and Polančeva and Komavarjeva slatina in Spodnji Selovec.

The springs in this area can be roughly divided into the following categories:

  • the highly mineralized acidulous ones
  • the low mineralized iron acidulous springs
  • the sulfur springs
  • the low mineralized springs (Akratopegen)

In the Vellach and Ebriach valleys there are many known springs. Therefore, it is sometimes called the "valley of a thousand springs". Due to their different geological composition, they contain very different water, both in terms of chemical composition and water content. A peculiarity of the area is the occurrence of CO2 gas, which is added to some springs and thus leads to the natural discharges of carbonic acid.
