Name: Vellach Origin
Location: Vellacher Kotschna on the border of the Natura 2000 area
Water type: Low mineralized calcium magnesium hydrogen carbonate source.
Coordinates E: 14,5666607
Coordinates N: 46,402429
The source of the Vellach creek at the beginning of the valley head of the Vellacher Kotschna is very idyllically situated. The spring is located directly on the border of the Natura 2000 nature reserve Vellacher Kotschna. The springs emerge from the debris filling of the Vellacher Kotschna. The flow of the springs in the area of the outlets is several 100 liters per second and continues to increase rapidly in the streambed below the springs.
The spring waters coming out in the area of the Vellach origin belong to the calcium-magnesium-hydrogen-carbonate water type and develop their positive effect in all conditions that require an increased fluid intake. In the case of prolonged sporting activity, attention should be paid to the additional intake of minerals, especially sodium, and carbohydrates that provide energy.
The springs at the Vellach origin serve as the starting point of several hiking routes in the Vellach Kotschna. Nearby you will find wall remains of the former cinnabar smelting. Also some tunnels of the mercury mining are still preserved.